Postive Teaching = Positive Outcomes


What is positive teaching?

Positive teaching deals with the attitudes and behavior that the teacher has in the classroom on a daily basis.  These are the characteristics and traits that you possess and carry with you into the classroom. These actions and attitudes can be verbalized, or even just through you body language. Positive teaching is being that positive influence in the classroom that when a student is in need help on how to be handle tough situations, you are the one they look to for that example or model.
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Why is it important?

Negative behaviors and attitudes can be an influence just as positive behaviors and attitudes can. When we bring these negative thoughts and actions into the classroom we are influencing our students to mirror them. Sometimes these things can be unintentional, but with due diligence and self-reflection we can guide our students to a happier, healthier, more spiritually fulfilled, and academically benefitted educational experience.

Positive student-teacher relationships are an important part as well. When we take time to invest into our students the dividends can be innumerable. From personal experience, I have seen the "toughest"of students turn into the best behaved and academically successful students in my classroom. By providing a soft ear, kind word, and a positive attitude toward their behavior instead of punitive, teachers can reap the benefits almost instantly.

How can I change my teaching?

  • Start by praying and getting into your Bible each and every day. God can change your mindset quickly and set it on Him and your purpose for teaching.
  • Begin each day standing at the door with a smile on your face to greet EACH student EVERY day. Put aside what is in your mind and heart that might get in the way of that.
  • Own your mistakes and model how to handle them to the students when they happen.
  • Use encouragement not complacency when students struggle to succeed. Give positive feedback on papers not just "red correction marks".
  • Listen to students when they speak and be uplifting when speaking in return, even when correcting behavior (this is the tough one).
  • Get to know your students and genuinely care about what they do (develop student-teacher relationships).
  • Make learning fun! Laugh with your students, try to reduce the anxiety and stress that school can have on students.
  • Teach behaviors you want and review them over and over.
  • Have routines and procedures in place and be consistent. Being organized can reduce the negative
Watch this video and see if you can find the positivity.  What did the teacher do right? What did the teacher do wrong?

What does the Bible have to say about positivity?
Galatians 5:22 (NIV)
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy...

Ephesians 5:20 (NIV)
always giving thanks to God the Father for everything...

Romans 12:12 (NIV)
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
